Loss Examples

Apartment / Condominium

An apartment complex's aluminum electrical supply bus shorted out, severely damaging electrical wires and cables. Angry residents had to be relocated.
Property Damage: $ 118,681
Relocation Cost: $ 72,152
Total Loss: $ 190,833

A condominium building's air conditioning tubes break because of corrosion. Refrigerant leaks into the system and damages it further.
Property Damage: $ 31,108

High-voltage underground cable shorts to ground, causing damage to the transformer and cutting off power to an entire condominium building.
Property Damage: $ 59,233
Business Income Loss: $ 6,776
Total Loss: $ 66,009

An air conditioning motor breaks down in a high-rise, senior citizen apartment building. Ninety-plus degree temperatures necessitated setting up four rented "spot coolers." Overtime was required to get the motor back on line.
Property Damage: $ 83,557
Extra Expense: $ 16,794
Total Loss: $100,351

The low-water fuel supply cut-off did not operate in an apartment building's cast iron heating boiler, resulting in a low-water condition. As a result, the boiler suffered severe overheating with cracking of several sections.
Property Damage: $19,750.

Electrical switchgear in an apartment building shorts out because of deteriorated insulation.
Property Damage: $ 48,346

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